How can we pull this violence out of its semi-darkness and familiarity which make it all but invisible? How can we make it re-emerge through the prism of events which give it an air of being inevitable, and therefore, at the end of the day, tolerable?
Michel Foucault, Dits et écrits — sayings and writings
How do I find it so difficult to see what is before my eyes!
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Vermischte Bemerkungen — intermingled observations
Concept and realization: : Luca Depietri und Giorgio Palma (KKuK Vienna)
Presentation: Luca Panaro und Francesca Solero
Interdisciplionary Laboratory: Milan/Turin (Italy), October 2009 - May 2010
Exhibition: Teatro Espace (Turin), 11.-27. June 2010
Interdisciplinary workshop participants
Fulvio Abbracciavento (Theatre research), Giulia Aiardi (Sociology), Sara Beretta (Anthropology), Daniela Calisi (Webdesign), Helen Cerina (Choreography), Lisa Ciccarelli (Paintings and installations), Sascha Cormano (Intercultural mediation), Angelo De Ceglie (Paintings and installations), Luca De Pietri (Philosophy), Fabrizio Esposito (Photography), Alessandra Frigerio (Psychology), Pietro Giau (Cinema and theatre), Giorgia Goldini (Teatre), Valentina Grosso Gonçalves (Psychology), Giorgio Palma (Philosophy), Stefano Pierini (Music), Isabella Radaelli (Anthropology), Fabio Ranieri (Photography and installations), and Elisa Spagone (Teatre dance).
Invited artists
Gruppo Radici (Accademia Albertina) Sabrina Muzi, Andrea Parena (BabyDoc Film), Portage, Luiz Simões